In- House Training Programs


Working With You

Employee training is essential for companies that wish to compete in a fast-changing business world.

When an organisation has a number of employees who need to learn new skills, In-Company training is often the most focused and the most economical solution. In-Company training involves bringing a trainer to your preferred location to deliver a customised training program for your employee group. The group may consist of employees who work together in teams, or who work in various company locations across the country, or across the globe.

In-Company training may be held at the corporate headquarters or at an off-site location. It may also be held virtually or in blended format, depending on your specific needs.

Delivering Customised Training To Meet Your Specific Requirements

Initial Discussions

Companies choose in-house training to address specific business needs. We will work closely with you to design learning objectives and customize the training in order to meet your specific requirements.

Bespoke Solutions

We will work with you at every stage to ensure that the training provided is fully aligned with your expectations. This can include the use of meetings, conference calls, end of course reviews – whatever is required to ensure your requirements are met in full!

Blended Training

As Tanfidh can provide both classroom and web-based training solutions, we can also provide blended training options combining the two, to give the required results whilst optimizing total cost.

Benefits Of In-Company Training

Cost Effective Solution

As mentioned above, In-Company training programs are customized for your specific business needs. In-Company training is typically a more cost-effective solution than sending employees to a public training session/event.

  • Employee travel is reduced or even eliminated.
  • Training is scheduled when it is convenient for employees and for the organization.
  • In-Company training encourages team building and better understanding of shared issues.
  • Training is confidential, allowing teams to discuss and work on real issues.
  • Training format is flexible – training may take place as a single session or multiple sessions delivered over the course of several months to a year. We can also offer blended solutions incorporating web-based and classroom training.

Types Of Tailored Training

Tanfidh offer a wide variety of In-Company training programs. All of our standard courses can be offered and we can also customize courses on technical topics and “soft skills”, such as leadership development, time management, team building, communication and so on.

One major advantages of Tanfidh is that we can offer leadership courses delivered by industry experts, meaning that the trainer has a real, in-depth understanding of the work environment and the challenges faced. For example, we can offer Shift Team Leader development programs by someone who has held that particular role.